Category: BLC – Blakecoin
Blakecoin mining configuration
BLC Blakecoin configuration file – edit blakecoin.conf in data directory: listen=1 gen=0 rpcallowip= rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password rpcport=8772 server=1 daemon=1 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= minerd command example: minerd -o -O username:password -a blake -q -s 2 –no-longpoll –no-stratum You can set gen to 1 or use the command: setgenerate true if you wanted to use build…
BLC – Blakecoin
BLC – Blakecoin. Blake-256(optimized) faster than Scrypt and faster than SHA-256 in Sphlib C code. The algorithm was written as a candidate for SHA-3, Based on round one candidate code from the Sphlib 2.1 library and reduced the round function to 8 rounds. Blakecoin [BLC] specifications Block reward is 25 coin + inflation (square root…