Vircurex is a digital currency exchange. Vircurex allows to trade the following altcoins:
- BTC Bitcoin to USD and EUR
Other alternate cryptocurrencies to BTC or among them:
- DGC Digitalcoin
- DVC Devcoin
- FRC Freicoin
- FTC Feathercoin
- IXC Ixcoin
- LTC Litecoin
- NMC Namecoin
- NVC Novacoin
- PPC Peercoin
- TRC Terracoin
- XPM Primecoin
You can join vircurex using the following link:
Vircurex withdrawal fees for different altcoins:
0.002 BTC, 0.2 DGC, 100 DVC, 10 FRC, 0.01 FTC, 50 IXC, 0.1 LTC, 0.01 NMC, 0.1 NVC, 0.01 PPC, 0.01 TRC, 0.01 XPM