Tag: giveaway
Answers for the COMP quiz
Here are answers for the Coinbase Compound (COMP) earn quiz. It is a good idea to read all required information about the Compound altcoin before just entering the correct answers. Link to the COMP quiz where you can earn up to $40 worth of the Compound altcoin: https://coinbase.com/earn/comp/invite/49bxjdmq For each correct answer, you will receive…
Coinbase XLM Stellar Quiz
Here are answers for the Coinbase XLM quiz. It is a good idea to read all required information about the XLM Stellar altcoin before just entering the correct answers. Link to the XLM quiz where you can earn up to $50 worth of XLM Stellar altcoin: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/v8cmfb57 Answers to the XLM quiz: Q1: A decentralized…