Feathercoin is an Internet p2p currency based on Litecoin. It uses scrypt PoW hashing algorithm. It was launched in spring 2013.
Official Feathercoin website: http://feathercoin.com/
Remember to download the latest client versions from official Feathercoin website.
Feathercoin specifications:
- Block reward 200 coins
- 2.5 minutes block target
- 126 blocks to retarget difficulty with 504 average and .25 damping
- 9% maximum change on difficulty retarget
- Block reward halves every 840,000 blocks
- Default port is 9336
- Default RPC port is 9337
Feathercoin mining pools:
- http://ftc.mining4all.eu
- http://ftc.coin-pool.org/
- http://pool01.feathercoin.cc:19327/static/
- http://pool02.feathercoin.cc:19327/static/
- http://feathercoin.is-a-geek.com/
- http://fc.dontmine.me
- http://fpool1.zapto.org:19327/static/ – p2pool
- WeMineFTC – https://www.wemineftc.com
- Give-me-FTC – https://give-me-ftc.com
- Tailfeather – https://tailfeather.cc
Feathercoin can be mined using GPU hardware just like any other scrypt PoW coin. You can exchange BTC/FTC and FTC/BTC on many altcoin exchanges, such as:
- BTC-e – https://btc-e.com/exchange/ftc_btc
- BTER – https://bter.com/trade/ftc_btc
- Simple Web-based Exchange – http://fc.strament.com/