This is a quick guide how to configure and start a full Dogecoin node on a VPS server. The Dogecoin network needs more full nodes so please help it by running your own.
Create an Ubuntu 21.04 VPS server with at least 4 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD. Use this link to join Vultr, one of the best VPS solutions with cryptocurrency payments accepted.
Set up a Dogecoin Core full node on a VPS
- Update your system (Ubuntu 21.04 recommened):
apt update && apt upgrade
- Get the binary files of the latest Dogecoin Core (at this moment the latest version is 1.14.3, but please check it under
- Unpack the Dogecoin Core client
tar -zxvf dogecoin-1.14.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
Dogecoin Blockchain Bootstrap 07-May-2021 torrent file
- Download the torrent file:
- Install aria2, a ubuntu client software for torrents:
apt install aria2
- Download/Torrent the bootstrap:
aria2c --bt-max-peers=0 dogecoin-blockchain-bootstrap-2021-05-07.torrent
- Link the folders with the Dogecoin blockchain
ln -s dogecoin-blockchain-bootstrap-2021-05-07.torrent .dogecoin
- Set a user and password in the dogecoin configuration file:
echo "rpcuser=elon
maxconnections=75" >> ~/.dogecoin/dogecoin.conf
The default for maxconnections
is 128 but in this case it is better to use the lower number of connections for better server performance (60-80 connections recommended).
9. Start the dogecoin node:
~/dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoind &
- You can check the status of your Dogecoin Core client with this command:
~/dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoin-cli getinfo
The output should be something like this – the current blockchain height and the number of connections.
“version”: 1140300,
“protocolversion”: 70015,
“walletversion”: 130000,
“balance”: 0.00000000,
“blocks”: 3719374,
“timeoffset”: -1,
“connections”: 63,
“proxy”: “”,
“difficulty”: 6824497.862081807,
“testnet”: false,
“keypoololdest”: 1620397512,
“keypoolsize”: 100,
“paytxfee”: 0.00000000,
“relayfee”: 1.00000000,
“errors”: “”
Now you are helping the Dogecoin network!
Buy Dogecoin with your credit card or any other cryptocurrency on a Kucoin, a great and well known altcoin exchange.