The Panda Coin [PANDA] – scrypt, 3% premine

pandacoin_logoTicker: PANDA. This altcoin was launched on Valentines Day: 14th February 2014. This is a 3% premined Panda coin.

Panda coin origin: according to Urban Legends “A group of rare Pandas will emerge from their bamboo-bases and congregate to perform violent and ritualistic sexual acts in order to facilitate the birth of a new era of Cryptocurrency. The legend says that two baby Panda offspring shall come forth and combine their ectoplasm and add a touch of soy sauce to create an omnipotent all knowing coin“.

Pandacoin official website:

Pandacoin social profiles:

IRC (Freenode): #Pandacoin

Pandacoin [PANDA] specifications:

  • Scrypt Adaptive-N with Kimotos Gravity Well
  • ticker: PANDA
  • Max number of coins: 100 billion panda coins.
  • Block time: 2.5 minutes
  • Subsidy halves every 840,000 blocks (~4 years)
  • 3% Premine – for community, giveaways, casinos, bounties.

Pandacoin block rewards:

  • Block 1-50,000: 0-1,000,000 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 50,001 — 100,000: 0-500,000 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 100,001 — 200,000: 0-250,000 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 200,001 — 300,000: 0-125,000 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 300,001 — 400,000: 0-62,500 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 400,001 – 500,000: 0-31,250 PandaCoin Reward
  • Block 500,000+: 5,000 PandaCoin Reward

Pandacoin mining pools:

Pandacoin is being hailed as DogeCoin 2.0 or the ‘Asian Doge Coin’ – Running on a similar block reward structure and re targeting we are going to be heavily marketing this coin to the Asian markets and drive a very large community which will be on par with Doge.

About the Pandacoin Logo: The 8 Chinese characters on coin is derived from a Chinese philosopher known as Guanzi.

忠孝仁爱 礼义廉耻 – Loyalty, Filial Piety, Humanity, Love, Courtesy, Righteousness, Integrity, Sense of Shame

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