Zetacoin [ZET] is a sha-256 PoW altcoin with
quick transactions and quick difficulty adjustment. Zetacoin was launched in August 2013.
Official Zetacoin website: http://www.zeta-coin.org/
Always use the lastest QT client downloaded from the official Zetacoin website to avoid any technical issues.
Zetacoin specifications:
- No Premine
- Based on latest Bitcoin 0.8.99 source
- Block target: 30 seconds (20x faster than Bitcoin)
- Difficulty retargets every 4 blocks based on last 90 blocks (Quick difficulty readjustment)
- Block reward: 1000 ZET, halving every 80640 blocks (about 1 month), not dropping below 1 ZET (inflationary)
- Total coin supply: 160 million ZET + small yearly inflation
160 million coins will be mined in around first year. Thereafter around 1 million per year (inflationary). This small inflation is a better incentive to keep the network hashing than purely transaction fees.
Zetacoin sha-256 mining pools:
- Coinmine.pl – http://zet.coinmine.pl/
- x3maniac’s Pool – http://zet.dsync.net
- CoinEx Pool – https://coinex.pw/mining/pools/ZET
- r50zyry5’s Pool – http://p2pool.beehost.org:9374/static/
- rav3n_pl’s P2Pool – http://rav3n.dtdns.net:9374
- feeleep’s Pool – http://zet.coinmine.pl/
- Jude Austin’s Pool – http://www.zetacoinpool.com/ (Eloipool + mmcFE-ng)
- Jude Austin’s P2Pool –
- SonicRules – http://sonicrules.org
- Crypto Expert – http://crypto-expert.com/ZET
- ZetPool – http://www.zetpool.com/
- Mining Pool Co – http://www.miningpool.co
- Multipool – https://www.multipool.us/
- iSpace – http://zet.ispace.co.uk/
- Cryptopool.co.uk – http://zet.cryptopool.co.uk
- Cryptopool.it – http://zet.cryptopool.it/
- Tompool – http://tompool.org/
- Coinz – http://zet.coinz.pw/
You can use any ASIC sha-256 mining hardware to mine Zetacoin.
Zetacoin block explorer: http://darkgamex.ch:2751/chain/ZetaCoin
Exchange BTC/ZET and BTC/ZET:
Zetacoin twitter profile: https://twitter.com/zetacoins
By jose April 5, 2014 - 22:23
There is an web wallet service for Zetacoin, http://www.zetawallet.com, anybody have experiences with them?
By Malte April 19, 2014 - 22:25
Hey there, i’ve also opend an european ZET Pool which can be found here: http://coinchase.de/ – Serverlocation: Berlin, Germany
By Glen April 23, 2014 - 08:36
Could you please add my mining pool to your list of pools.
Thanks in advance.