Cloakcoin is an altcoin using X13 hashing algorithm, features decentralized market and PoSA. It has been the first cryptocurrency with an inbuilt exchange trading platform, for trading direct from wallet.
Launch date: June 2014.
CLOAK introduces PoSA – Proof of Stake Anonymity.
Official IRC : #CloakCoin
Cloakcoin discussion board: CloakTalk
Cloakcoin technical specifications:
- Total coins : 4.5 million
- PoW timespan : 7 days
- Hashing algorithm : x13
- Anonimiy : PoSA in beta now.
- Pre-mine : none and IPO : none
- PoW block reward: 496
- Mining will stop after 10080 blocks (7 days)
- Block time: 60 seconds
- PoS 6% per year
- Minimum age 1 hour and max age 8 hours
Cloakcoin Block Explorer and Rich List :
CLOAK Source Code: Github
Cloakcoin official website:
Download current Cloakcoin wallets from official website to avoid issues. Windows, Linux and OsX wallets available.
Features: Decentralized P2P Crypto Currency Transaction Anonymity via Proof of Stake Protocol Extensions.
Main Cloakcoin Exchanges:
Cloakcoin = anonymous currency with encrypted services.
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