Darkcoin [DRK] was launched on 18-Jan-2014 as “XCoin”. It is a CPU only coin with hybrid hashing algorithm using 11 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo).
Darkcoin wallet downloads
Linux wallet – https://github.com/evan82/darkcoin
Mac wallet – https://www.dropbox.com/s/wtadyzztgrs0ihw/Xcoin-Qt.app.osx10.7.zip
Windows wallet (UPDATED) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9cvOfoOekSdZkJ5NENScHJ1Tkk/edit?usp=sharing
Darkcoin specifications
- Super secure hashing algorithm: 11 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo)
- Block reward is controlled by moore’s law: (11111 / (((Difficulty+51)/6) ^ 2))
- CPU only mining
- Block generation: 2.5 minutes
- Difficulty Retargets every 576 blocks
- 84 Million Coins Max
- Block reward halving every 2 years
- Encrypted transaction network: Still In Progress
- Anonymous blockchain using coinjoin technology: Still In Progress
Darkcoin CPU miner download links
Source: https://github.com/ig0tik3d/xcoin-cpuminer
Windows: https://mega.co.nz/#!2NhWVY4B!VU837WCDc6TIhyaLE22k22CppvUFMxRAri8JOFJiHJ8
Read more: Linux CPU coin mining guide on cheap VPS servers.
Darkcoin mining pools
- http://pool.darkcoin.io/
- http://xco.smalltimeminer.com
- http://cpu-pool.net/xco/
- http://xco.lotterymining.com
DarkCoin is a good choice for CPU only miners. DarkCoin uses a new chained hashing algorithm approach, with many new scientific hashing algorithms for the proof-of-work. This is so that the processing distrubution is fair and coins will be destributed in much the same way Bitcoins were originally. No premine, fair launch.
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