BLC – Blakecoin

blake coinBLC – Blakecoin. Blake-256(optimized) faster than Scrypt and faster than SHA-256 in Sphlib C code.

The algorithm was written as a candidate for SHA-3, Based on round one candidate code from the Sphlib 2.1 library and reduced the round function to 8 rounds.

Blakecoin [BLC] specifications

  • Block reward is 25 coin + inflation (square root of (difficulty + block height))
  • No halfing of reward after x blocks
  • Cap in place to reduce the difficulty jumps upwards
  • Block target time is 3 minutes and retargets every hour
  • 7 Billion coins
  • Block maturity 120

Blakecoin [BLC] downloads and resources

Official website:

CPU miner:

Blakecoin Windows QT wallet:

Blakecoin Linux wallet:

Add the following nodes to your conf:
addnode= (thanks to Vorksholk)

CPU Miner Binaries (Windows Intel compiled for core2+)

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