Category: Alternate cryptocurrencies

  • Dogecoin Core nodes

    Dogecoin is getting more and more popular due to recent Elon Musk’s twitter activity. If you use the Dogecoin Core client (current version 1.14) you might have difficulties with blochchain synchronization. To speed up the Dogecoin blockchain download process first download the bootstrap file with all blockchain data up to 29-Janaury-2021. Here is the Torrent…

  • BAND Crypto Earn Quiz Answers

    Here are answers for the Coinbase BAND earn quiz. It is a good idea to read all required information about the BAND altcoin before just entering the correct answers. And here is a link to the BAND quiz where you can earn up to $40 worth of the BAND altcoin: For each correct answer,…

  • Answers for the COMP quiz

    Here are answers for the Coinbase Compound (COMP) earn quiz. It is a good idea to read all required information about the Compound altcoin before just entering the correct answers. Link to the COMP quiz where you can earn up to $40 worth of the Compound altcoin: For each correct answer, you will receive…

  • Coinbase XLM Stellar Quiz

    Here are answers for the Coinbase XLM quiz. It is a good idea to read all required information about the XLM Stellar altcoin before just entering the correct answers. Link to the XLM quiz where you can earn up to $50 worth of XLM Stellar altcoin: Answers to the XLM quiz: Q1: A decentralized…

  • Stobox: All-in-one Security Token Platform [STBU]

    Stobox is an award-winning technology and advisory company in the field of securities tokenization. Digital securities and crypto assets are powerful disruptive tools to raise funding, provide more value to customers, and make your system more resilient. Via Stobox, you can get exposure to all kinds of digital assets and get comprehensive services to power…