Author: admin

  • RKC – Reikicoin

    Reikicoin [RKC] is a sha-256 alternate cryptocurrency launched in November 2013. Reikicoin tagline: a coin that heals and cures, alternative coin worth = spiritual energy. Reikicoin official website: Reikicoin Github Source Code: Reikicoin windows wallet download links: Reikicoin technical details: PoW hashing algorithm: sha256d Total number of Reikicoins: 42,000,000 Block time: 90 secs. Difficulty…

  • ANC – Anoncoin

    Anoncoin is a scrypt altcoin with active development support which focus on Anonymity. It was forked out of Litecoin, but have since catched up with the Bitcoin source, and taken it’s own way. Anoncoin website with wallet downloads: Anoncoin is mainly targeting to be used through the invisible internet i2p and tor. Anoncoin…

  • UNO – Unobtanium – a cryptocurrency of serious traders

    Unobtanium is a rare SHA-256 altcoin. Only 250.000 will ever be made. After that, there’s no inflation possible. Unobtanium website: SHA256, Proof of Work only. Block targets = 3 minutes; progressive difficulty adjustment. Block reward of .001 coin for the first 2000 blocks to come up to target, no premine. Block reward of 1…

  • ZET – Zetacoin

    Zetacoin [ZET] is a sha-256 PoW altcoin with quick transactions and quick difficulty adjustment. Zetacoin was launched in August 2013. Official Zetacoin website: Always use the lastest QT client downloaded from the official Zetacoin website to avoid any technical issues. Zetacoin specifications: No Premine Based on latest Bitcoin 0.8.99 source Block target: 30 seconds…

  • XJO – Joulecoin

    [XJO] Joulecoin was launched in September 2013, it is a sha-256 PoW altcoin with quick confirmations and transaction comments. Joulecoin website: Github Source code: Download Joulecoin wallet from official website to avoid issues. Joulecoin technical specifications: No premine Hashing algo: SHA-256 Block time: 45 seconds Block reward: 16 XJO Reward halves every 2…