Category: MED – MediterraneanCoin
[MED] MediterraneanCoin Mining Pool
MediterraneanCoin [MED] is a new hybrid altcoin. It uses HybridScryptHAsh256 PoW, which combines ASIC features and high CPU load. Since today you can mine MediterraneanCoin not only solo, but also using a pool. First MediterraneanCoin mining pool: To mine MED coin you need a special version of bfgminer. Alternatively, you can use old bfgminer or cgminer with…
MediterraneanCoin [MED] BlockErupter CUBE mining
How to mine MediterraneanCoin with a CUBE ASIC miner? A quick guide to MediterraneanCoin ASIC mining: 1. Download MED QT wallet from 2. Create the following mediterraneancoin.conf file: rpcuser=user_name rpcpassword=password server=1 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= 3. Start the Qt wallet and wait until the whole blockchain is downloaded…
MediterraneanCoin [MED]
Mediterraneancoin [MED] Mediterraneancoin is a derivative of Bitcoin/Litecoin using a new proof-of-work algorithm called HybridScryptHash256. The new Proof of Work algorithm HybridScryptHash256 is described in detail here: HybridScryptHash256 integrates the best of Hash256 and Scrypt algorithms, allowing the reuse of the less powerful ASIC Block Erupter devices. HybridScryptHash256 allows all the users of erupters…