Looking for a fast and cheap cryptocurrency bridge? Try Rango to swap 10,000+ assets between all main blockchains: ETH, #Cosmos, #Avax, #Terra, #Solana, #BTC and 40 more.
Rango is a first multi-chain DEX Aggregator. It will help you to swap altcoins between different blockchains. Supported wallets: XDefi wallet, Keplr, Metamask and more.
Best price is guaranteed by: Unlimited Liquidity, Fee Optimization, Smart Routing and Accurate Estimations. No KYC required, no custiodial DEX exchange.
Cryptocurrency Bridge – Swap Altcoins Between Blockchains
Rango is the first and most intuitive UX that integrates multiple aggregators (e.g. 1Inch) with multiple X-Chain solutions (e.g. Thorchain) to provide best liquidity and optimized path in a secure and easy-to-use solution.
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