How to run a Dogecoin node on a VPS server

This is a quick guide how to configure and start a full Dogecoin node on a VPS server. The Dogecoin network needs more full nodes so please help it by running your own.

Create an Ubuntu 21.04 VPS server with at least 4 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD. Use this link to join Vultr, one of the best VPS solutions with cryptocurrency payments accepted.

Set up a Dogecoin Core full node on a VPS

  1. Update your system (Ubuntu 21.04 recommened):
apt update && apt upgrade
  1. Get the binary files of the latest Dogecoin Core (at this moment the latest version is 1.14.3, but please check it under
  1. Unpack the Dogecoin Core client
tar -zxvf dogecoin-1.14.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Dogecoin Blockchain Bootstrap 07-May-2021 torrent file

  1. Download the torrent file:
  1. Install aria2, a ubuntu client software for torrents:
apt install aria2
  1. Download/Torrent the bootstrap:
aria2c --bt-max-peers=0 dogecoin-blockchain-bootstrap-2021-05-07.torrent
  1. Link the folders with the Dogecoin blockchain
ln -s dogecoin-blockchain-bootstrap-2021-05-07.torrent .dogecoin
  1. Set a user and password in the dogecoin configuration file:
echo "rpcuser=elon
maxconnections=75" >> ~/.dogecoin/dogecoin.conf

The default for maxconnections is 128 but in this case it is better to use the lower number of connections for better server performance (60-80 connections recommended).

9. Start the dogecoin node:

~/dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoind &
  1. You can check the status of your Dogecoin Core client with this command:
~/dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoin-cli getinfo

The output should be something like this – the current blockchain height and the number of connections.

“version”: 1140300,
“protocolversion”: 70015,
“walletversion”: 130000,
“balance”: 0.00000000,
“blocks”: 3719374,
“timeoffset”: -1,
“connections”: 63,
“proxy”: “”,
“difficulty”: 6824497.862081807,
“testnet”: false,
“keypoololdest”: 1620397512,
“keypoolsize”: 100,
“paytxfee”: 0.00000000,
“relayfee”: 1.00000000,
“errors”: “”

Now you are helping the Dogecoin network!

Buy Dogecoin with your credit card or any other cryptocurrency on a Kucoin, a great and well known altcoin exchange.

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